
Dissertation: Studien zu Thomas von Aquin (4)

 トマス・アクィナスThomas Aquinas. also Thomas of Aquin or Aquino)研究の学位論文(Dissertation)4回目の投稿です。前回につづいて 2000-2009 年に受理および公刊された論文を投稿します。

以下で紹介する論文入手方法はこちらへ (The article acquisition method to:)

  1. Acar, Rahim.;
    Talking about God and talking about creation: Avicennás and Thomas Aquinas' positions. Dissertation, 2005. 250 pp. ISBN: 90-04-14477-3 [] [Thomas von Aquin;Gott ; Schöpfung]

  2. Aguirre de Cárcer, Rafael Pascual.;
    La división de las ciencias especulativas en santo Tomás de Aquino. Dissertation, 1996 [2003]. 225 pp. [Roma, Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana] [Thomas von Aquin; Wissenschaft]

  3. Awira Ozitile, Pax.;
    Thomas Aquinas's teaching on just price : a theological reading of Summa theologiae II-II, q. 77. Dissertation, 2000. 187 pp. [Rom, Pontificia Univ. Lateranensis] [Thomas von Aquin; Summa theologiae 2,2,77]

  4. Baglow, Christopher T.;
    "Modus et forma": a new approach to the exegesis of Saint Thomas Aquinas with an application to the Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios. Dissertation, 2000 [2002]. 290 pp. ISBN: 88-7653-149-1 [Pittsburgh, Pa., Duquesne Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Paulus ; Epheserbrief]

  5. Blignières, Louis-Marie de.;
    Le mystère de l'être: l'approche thomiste de Guérard des Lauriers; avec la traduction de tous les textes où saint Thomas traite de la "nature de l'être". Dissertation, 2007. 454 pp. ISBN: 978-2-7116-1965-8 [Paris, La Sorbonne Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Guérard des Lauriers, Michel L.; Thomismus; Sein; Quelle]

  6. Bonnewjin, Olivier.;
    La béatitude et les béatitudes : une approche thomiste de l'éthique. Dissertation, 2000 [2001]. 496 p. ISBN: 88-465-0210-8 [Rom, Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Tommaso d'Aquino; Ethik]

  7. Fox, Rory.;
    Time and eternity in mid-thirteenth century thought. Dissertation, 2006. 390 pp. S. ISBN: 0-19-928575-6 [] [Thomas von Aquin; Zeit; Ewigkeit]

  8. Frost, Gloria Ruth.;
    Thomas Aquinas on Necessary Truths about Contingent Beings. Dissertation, Ja. 2009. 171 pp. [University of Notre Dame.] [Thomas von Aquin]*

  9. Gahona Fraga, Luis.;
    El objeto indirecto de la infalibilidad en Santo Tomás de Aquino : la carta apostólica "Ad tuendam fidem" a la luz de la teologia tradicional. Dissertation, 2004. 663 pp. ISBN: 84-933362-1-1 [Roma, Pontif. Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Infallibilität]

  10. Gardner, Sister Elinor.;
    Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Death Penalty. Dissertation, 2009. 311 pp. [Boston College The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.] [Thomas von Aquin]*

  11. Hall, Alexander W.;
    Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus: natural theology in the High Middle Ages. Dissertation, 2007. 170 S. ISBN: 0-8264-8589-8 [Atlanta, Emory Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Natürliche Theologie; Natural theology]

  12. Kuric, Miroslav.;
    Il concetto di electio in Tommaso d'Aquino : indagine lessicografica e dottrinale. Dissertation, 2002. 105 pp. [Roma, Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana] [Thomas von Aquin; Willensfreiheit]

  13. Larrú, Juan.;
    Cristo en la acción humana según los comentarios al Nuevo Testamento de Sto. Tomás de Aquino. Dissertation, 2003 [2004]. 515 pp. ISBN: 88-465-0484-4 [Roma, Pontif. Univ. Lateranensis] [Thomas von Aquin; Neues Testament; Christologie]

  14. Lidums, Gatis.;
    The Doctrine of Imago Dei and Its Relation to Self-Transcendence in the Context of Practical Theology. Dissertation, 2004. 252 pp. [University of Helsinki] [Thomas von Aquin]*

  15. Maguiness, Gerard H.;
    Assisted suicide, self-love and a life worth living : a re-examination of St. Thomas Aquinas' arguments against suicide in the Summa Theologiae II, II, 64, 5, with reference to assisted suicide and euthanasia in the Magisterium, and the writings of Peter Singer. Dissertation, 2002. 367 pp. [Romae, Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis] [Thomas von Aquin; Singer, Peter (Philosoph); Euthanasie; Summa theologiae 2,2,64]

  16. Maillard, Pierre-Yves.;
    La vision de Dieu chez Thomas d'Aquin : une lecture de l'In Ioannem à la lumière de ses sources augustiniennes. Dissertation, 1999 [2001]. 349 pp. ISBN: 2-7116-1535-9 [Fribourg: Universität] [Thomas von Aquin; Super Ioannem ; Konzeption]

  17. Massobrio, Simon. Emilia.;
    Aristotelian Matter as Understood by St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Dissertation, 1991. 397 pp. [McGil1 University Montreal, Canada] [Thomas von Aquin]*

  18. Mayer, Rupert Johannes.;
    De veritate: Quid est? - Vom Wesen der Wahrheit: ein Gespräch mit Thomas von Aquin. Dissertation, 2002. 557 S. ISBN: 3-7278-1394-6 [Freiburg, Schweiz: Universität] [Thomas von Aquin; Wahrheit; Scholastik]

  19. McKay, Angela M.;
    The Infused and Acquired Virtues in Aquinas' Moral Philosophy. Dissertation, 2004. 204 pp. [University of Notre Dame] [Thomas von Aquin; Moral Philosophy]*

  20. Noriega, José.;
    "Guiados por el Espiritü : el Espiritu Santo y el conocimiento moral en Tomás de Aquino. Dissertation, 2000. 609 pp. [Rom, Pontificia Univ. Lateranense] [Thomas von Aquin; Heiliger Geist; Moral]

  21. Pache, Timo.;
    Thomas von Aquin und das Prinzip des doppelten Effekts. Dissertation, 2001. IV, 66 Bl. [Konstanz: Universität] [Thomas von Aquin]

  22. Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral, Juan.;
    "Amor es nombre de persona" : (I, q. 37, a. 1);estudio de la interpersonalidad en el amor en Santo Tomás de Aquino. Dissertation, 1996 [2001]. 754 pp. [Roma, Univ. Lateranense] [Thomas von Aquin; Nächstenliebe]

  23. Piotr Lichacz, O.P.;
    Did St. Thomas Aquinas Justify the Transition from "Is" to "Ought" ?. Dissertation, 2008. 288 pp. [Fribourg (Switzerland): Universität] [Thomas von Aquin]*

  24. Sangalli, Samuele.;
    Il lessico settoriale delle realtà e dei fatti economici nell'Opera omnia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino: esame filosofico del suo insieme. Dissertation, 2004 [2005]. 908 pp. ISBN: 88-7839-052-6 [Roma, Pontif. Univ. Gregoriana] [Thomas von Aquin; Wirtschaft; Sprachanalyse]

  25. Sherwin, Michael S.;
    By knowledge and by love : charity and knowledge in the moral theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dissertation, 2004 [2005]. 270 pp. ISBN: 0-8132-1393-2 [Notre Dame, Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Liebe; Theologische; Charity; Knowledge]

  26. Škrlec, Hrvoje.;
    Il concetto di legge in san Tommaso d'Aquino : un'interpretazione alla luce dell'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II. Dissertation, 2005. 243 pp. [Roma, Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana] [Thomas von Aquin; Gesetz ; Johannes Paul ]

  27. Stolarski, Grzegorz.;
    La possibilité et l'être : un essai sur la détermination du fondement ontologique de la possibilité dans la pensée de Thomas d'Aquin. Dissertation, 1998 [2001]. 340 pp. ISBN: 2-8271-0917-4 [Fribourg: Universität] [Thomas von Aquin; Möglichkeit; Ontologie]

  28. Tran, Dominic Bao Quoc.;
    Ultimate end, intention, and consequences of human action : a critical reflection on Jeremy Bentham's utilitarian ethics of happiness in the light of St. Thomas Aquina's teaching. Dissertation, 2008. 284 pp. [Romae, Pontificia Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Bentham, Jeremy ; Glück]

  29. Valkenberg, Wilhelmus G.;
    Words of the living God : place and function of Holy Scripture in the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dissertation, 1990 [2000]. 253 pp. ISBN: 90-429-0818-1 [Utrecht, Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Bibel]

  30. Weigel, Peter.;
    Aquinas on simplicity: an investigation into the foundations of his philosophical theology. Dissertation, 2008. 265 pp. ISBN: 978-3-03-910730-8 [Yale Univ.] [Thomas von Aquin; Religionsphilosophie]
    *[ Inhaltsverzeichnis ]

  31. Wells, Christopher.;
    Sacraments of the Incarnate World: The Christological Form of the Summa Theologiae. Dissertation, 2009. 285 pp. 285 pp. [University of Notre Dame] [Thomas von Aquin; Summa Theologiae]*

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